Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark
Sandy Clark

Sandy Clark began her creative career after graduating with a Diploma of Graphic Design in 1979. She was immediately attracted to the advertising and design industry and honed her skills as an award winning art director. Sandy’s long career in marketing has allowed her to work alongside some of New Zealand’s best creative practitioners. Many of her timeless designs exist in our everyday lives here and Australia. Her attention to detail is reflected in her new career as fine artist painting in oils and producing giclee prints.

Sandy moved to Muriwai 13 years ago and found the environment and the creative community gave her the stimulation to begin painting. Sandy has a love affair with New Zealand, the place, the environment, the people, the history and the emergence of it’s own identity in the world. She has long been interested in and collected Maori artifacts. It is the sense of mystic, power, beauty, craftsmanship and the mana they carry that are most attractive to her. Sandy aims to honour and respect these beautiful taonga by painting as faithfully as possible in oils on canvas.

Sandy also paints still life, landscape and is available for commissions.

Sandy’s prints are now in art collections in New Zealand, Australia, USA, Japan and Belgium. Prints are available at Parnell Gallery and Momentum Gallery in Auckland.

For further gallery listings contact her directly

Instagram : sandyclarkartist


Sandy Clark

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